There are 41 GP surgeries in our borough part of 9 PCNs caring for a population of nearly 328,000 residents.
We hold PCN PLTs four times a year and borough wide PLTs four times a year, dates can be found on our PLTs page.
If you have suggestions for a future PLT please let us know using our EoI form by clicking here
Mentoring is available via SELWDH.
SELWDH also has a GP retention lead: Dr Induja Bandara
GP Locums
We have a supportive locums group in Lambeth, please contact for more information.
First Five
We are pleased to support a "First 5" group in the borough. If you would like to join this group and are a first 5 - please contact us at and we will put you in touch with the group.
GP Fellows
We have many GP Fellows in the borough and are supporting a new to practice peer support group. The GP Fellowship scheme is supported across the ICS and the Programme Director is Dean Yang Click here to find out more.
GP Training
We have GPST Doctors in years 1/2/3/4 in every PCN in our borough - they come from either Kings VTS or GSTT VTS. To be a GP Educational Supervisor you need to be at least 2 years post CCT and to have completed the GP Supervisors course as well as do a minimum of 4 clinical sessions. You can book onto the GP supervisors course via the HEE website or contact the Lambeth Training Hub for more details about approval. GP Trainers are part of trainers workshops across SLOVTS (a patch including Lewisham, Lambeth and Southwark) - please contact us if you would like to join one of these groups.
GSTT VTS is on a Tuesday afternoon termtime ( whilst Kings is on a Thursday (
Foundation Doctors
GSTT places Second Year Foundation Doctors at practices across our borough. They come on 4 month rotations and it is an excellent opportunity to help them develop their clinical acumen whilst growing their understanding of primary and community care and population health.
If you would like to be a Foundation Doctor Clinical Supervisor you need to attend a GP supervisors course and be approved by the Quality Team at our training hub - contact us for more details.
There is an annual conference for F2 supervisors - find more details on the HEE website or email
Medical Students
We have medical students from Kings and St Georges at practices across our vibrant borough.
If you would like to support KCL medical school in increasing their primary care placements please contact More info here.