Developing the Primary Care workforce in South East London

If you work in Primary Care in South East London then you’re in the right place! SEL WDH supports recruitment, retention, and development of staff for practices and PCNs across our six boroughs as well as offering practice and PCN level support through our ever-growing team of Primary Care experts.

We're here to provide career support for all, helping you take that next step in your development whilst supporting practices in developing staff through access to national funding schemes. We facilitate student placements to ensure that the next generation of Primary Care staff are skilled, qualified, and passionate.

We provide weekly updates on hot topics through our weekly webinar programme, tailored CPD courses ranging from half day updates to multiday masterclasses as well as bespoke courses and programmes such as Leadership Potential.

Our aim is to make Primary Care in South East London the best place to work and the best place to learn.

Some of our services

Weekly webinars on a range of clinical subjects
Clinical and non-clinical training for all primary care staff groups
Opportunities to study while working
2 year programmes for newly qualified GPs and Nurses, to improve local services

Contact us

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Your work email address

Pick the role that best describes your job

The name of your workplace (GP practice, community service, etc)

Our services are only available to those who work in these boroughs of South East London