SELWDH logoSupported by South East London Workforce Development Hub
Lambeth Together Training Hub logo


Primary Care Network (PCN) Nurse Facilitators

We have expanded our lead nurse capability by appointing a Nurse Facilitator for each PCN, whose role it is to help implement placements, preceptorship, identify workforce gaps and engender a community of nurses within their locality. I will inform the relevant lead of any nurses new to their PCN but please contact them with any queries. We meet regularly to discuss workforce issues.

Training, Education and Career Advancement

Training, education and career advancement, including funding for Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Advance Clinical Practice (ACP), Non-Medical Prescribing (NMP) and apprenticeships, and Standard for Student Supervision and Assessment (SSSA) – Mentoring - training, are all available through the South East London Workforce Development Hub website.

Clinical Supervision

We have been lucky to been able to provide clinical supervision to our Nurses, Nursing Associates and Health Care Support Workers for many years. Clinical supervision provides a safe, confidential space to meet with other colleagues to discuss best practice, clinical concerns and professional issues. Groups meet every 6-8 weeks - some in person and others face to face. We encourage all our staff to join a group. Please contact the supervisor of the group which best suits you to check if there is space. You cannot be in the same group as a colleague from your practice.

Nursing Team's Forum

These are bimonthly and are currently held on Teams. We meet on alternate Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 1-3 pm. We have a clinical update on a range of topics, followed by networking and information sharing.