Lambeth PLT - Child and Adult Safeguarding
About the event
1:30pm-1:40pm - Introduction/ Strengthening General Practice Conference with Dr George Verghese and Dr Divanka Wjendra
1:40pm-2:00pm - Lambeth Safeguarding Children and Partnership Local Learning Review/CSPR with Kersh Clake (Lambeth Safeguarding Children Partnership)
2:00pm-2:30pm - Making a Referral MASH IHR Privately Fostered Children and Young People Looked after Children with Julia Barrett and Vivian Quansah
2:30pm-2:45pm - Child and Adult Refugee and Asylum Seekers with Rachel Constence (GSTT Refugee and Asylum Seeker Service)
2:45pm-3:30pm - Contextual Safeguarding with Rebecca Evans (Safer Youth)
3:30pm-3:45pm - Break
3:45pm-4:05pm - Violence against Women and Girls IRIS Programme MARAC GAIA with Dr Alison Davidson, Ella Pollock, Marta Guss and Joyce Dokubo
4:05pm-4:40pm - Learning Difficulties, Learning Disability and Autistic People Case Learning (LeDeR) with Helen Boger (Lambeth LeDeR Action Group)
4:40pm-5:00pm - Hoarding/Self Neglect with Megan Karnes (Hoarding UK)